What we know so far: 300 tons of ore have spouted, according to the company; Anglo America took 25 minutes to take an initiative; it took 11 hours to totally stop the pipe spill; more than 36 hours to help the population that was left without water and to start water distribution by truck kite, is still very precarious by themselves.
According to reports from MAM - Movement for Popular Sovereignty in Mining, the leak continues, as the water remains dirty, there is a lot of silting and destruction of river banks, with great impacts on biodiversity. MAM complaint Anglo American is shielding the area, preventing any approach to the surroundings. The same tactic used by Vale and BHP BILLITON is repeated here, in the case of the rupture of the Samarco’s tailings dam. Those responsible for the disaster block and control the scene of the crime they committed, preventing civil society from having any access. Mining companies behave in territories with an illegal and despotic sovereignty, above the people and the state itself.
The Public Prosecutor's Office of Minas Gerais (MPMG) filed a public civil action, requesting the immediate blocking of R $ 10 million from Anglo American. The MPMG requires that the company stop immediately the leakage and the contamination and that in 72 hours the containment, removal and subsequent destination of the pollutants are made. It also requires that Justice, which at the end of the action, Anglo America fully repairs the damages to the environment, health and the population that supplies water.
MPMG also points out that adverse changes in environmental characteristics caused by disruption may until proven otherwise, adversely affect the health, safety, and well-being of the population; create unfavorable conditions for social and economic activities; unfavorably affect biota; affect the aesthetic or sanitary conditions of the environment.
Analysis of water samples taken by MPMG's Nucleus of Environmental Crimes (Nucrim) attests that at upstream of the rupture site (approximately 100 m distance) there are 75.1 NTU (unit of turbidity), while, downstream (approximately 100 m distance), the measured value was 837 NTU.
The Federal Public Prosecutor has instituted a civil investigation to determine the causes and consequences, as well as to establish responsibilities.
In the day-to-day struggles of affected communities, it is common to see angry mining companies contesting any delay in licensing processes, common to see them making millions in profit, and it has become commonplace to see how inefficient they are when they need to respond problems and impacts.
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